Wednesday, November 19, 2008

One Word

I was reading one of Gabe's friends blog (Rob Adams) and he had this on his. So I thought it would be fun to read what people have to say about me in one word.

The game is on and you're it!

Think of one word, just one single word to best describe me and post it in my comments. You can leave a brief explanation of why you picked that word if you want. Then feel free to post this on your blog if you want me to try to describe you in one word. It's also fun to see how many strange and interesting things people say about you.


Veronica said...

Wonderful! When ever I think of you I have the most happy wonderful thoughts. We have lots of fun memories

The Keil Chronicals said...

BUSY!! Who wouldn't be with 6 kids, whoops 7 kids {:

Love ya

Gabe and Valerie said...


You have a very good talent in making cards and doing your scrapbooking stuff. I wish you would do more of that. And no she has 6 kids. I don't count Shauna!!!

Sonya said...


You are an amazing mother! I love they way your kids adore you, I hope my kids adore me when they are older!

Joseph and Divinity said...

Dandy! :-)

Because everytime I ask thats the answer. :-) But I also think you are fabulous and my very best friend!

Melanie Fiuza said...

I'd have to say you have ENDURANCE. But there are so many others its hard to think of just one! I'm also very impressed with your memory. It seems that you never forget anything! Love you