Monday, June 1, 2009

Last week of school.

This is the last week of school for Shawn and Kelly. A.J. and Rylie still have 3 more weeks. This month Shawn will turn 16, A.J. will be getting is Tonsils out, and my baby will be turning 1. This past year had just flown by to fast. Kelly will be going on some camps with the young women and she can't wait.I still remembered how much fun I had. I am sad because my cute new little nephew is getting blessed this weekend and it's in California, I wish were going. Oh well, we will thinking of Ben, Heather, Kyle, and that cute little Drew.


LeShel said...

Kelly have SUPER fun at camp with the YW! I wish I was there but at this point even if I were I wouldn't be hauling this tired body to any mountain. I'll be thinking of all the fun you girls are having!

Shnopa said...

It's crazy how quickly kids grow up and things change. I saw Shawn out practicing driving the mini van a few weeks ago. And I also remember the fun I had at camp. It's going to be a fun summer at the Keil home!!

Marla Valdez said...

I can't believe that Shawn is going to be driving! That is crazy? And Kelly going to girls camp! We seriously need to get together soon! I cannot believe how fast they are growing up!