Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Just because she is so cute

 Most of Jordyn's smiles are not real smiles at all. I got these 2 and just love her little smile.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First day of school for Kelly and AJ

 This was Kelly on her first day of 12th grade.

 I got 2 of AJ because he was being funny on the first day. I didn't think I got a good one of him. Besides our camera was acting up. The top was his first day of 7th grade, and the bottom is the second day. Silly kid.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Ragnar 2013

 Gabe ran a Ragnar this year with people from his work. It started in Logan and ended in Park City. He has a really good time. He is hoping they do it again next year.

Student of the day!

Jordyn was Student of the day. Boy! was she excited.
The kids her in class made a book for her of drawing's they mad of her.
It's a cute book.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Adidas Cup

Over the weekend AJ had a soccer tournamet. They 3 games and made it to the finals. They lost 5-2 to Fusion, But they played there hearts out. They were even down 3 players. That only gave them 3 subs. So over all they played really good. Now bring on the fall season.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Shawn's tie's

So last month Shawn sent home about 20 to 30 ties.
He get the cheap at the is Tie Store in Warsaw. Here are 2 of them.
Gabe and AJ are having fun wearing them. Look at my 2 handsome boys.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Jordyn's 1st day

This day she got to go meet her teacher.
July 26, 2013